About Us

Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi

Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi possesses more than twenty years of experience in managing the higher education institutions, teaching, research, and management of international research and capacity development projects. Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi is the founder and Rector of College UBT and as of 01.10.2019 serves as a President of Management Board of College ESLG, as an independent higher education institution being part of UBT Group.

The experience of Professor Hajrizi is mostly focused on entrepreneurship in higher education, management, teaching, research, development, training, consulting, and certification and publishing. Professor Hajrizi holds PhD degree from Vienna University of Technology and Post Doc. From City University London.

Specialisation Field of Professor Harjrizi are: Complex Systems Design and Management, Intelligent Systems, Sustainable Development, Quality Management, Project Management, Leadership and Business Management, Knowledge Management, Information Systems, Mechatronics Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Selected highlights of professor Hajrizi are presented as follows:

•    Founder, President and CEO of: University for Business and Technology, Institute of  Enterprise Management and Engineering, Kosova Association for Quality Management, Standards, Certification and Confirmation (Quality Kosova), Kosova Association for Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, Kosova Association for Management, Kosova Association for Accounting, Auditing and  Finance, Kosova Innovation Park, Kosova Robot Soccer Team (2011 the First Place in Europe).

•    University Teaching: Vienna University of Technology, Danube University Krems, University for Business and Technology, University of Prishtina, Warsaw University, University of Tirana

•    Research Activities: Head of Research and Development Institute, Research Staff Member at Institute of Intelligent Systems, Research  Staff  Member Institute of  Model building and Simulation, City University London Research Follower.

•    Development Activities: Business Models Development, Product Development and Projects Management for: Business, Education, IT, Production and Governance.  IEME, SIEMENS Austria, AUSTROTECH, etc.

•    Training Activities: Project Management, Quality Management, Strategic Management, Systems Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Robotics and Advanced Technologies, IT Strategy, Soft Skills.

•    Consulting Activities: for Businesses (Management and Technology), Government (Education, Industry and Economic Development), World Bank Consulter for Research and Innovation, BAS Consulter for Quality Management.

•    Board Member: Kosova Agency for Statistics, Group Member  for Integration of  Kosova  Higher Education  in Bologna Member Countries List, Board Member of Post Telecom Kosova, Member of  Government Working Groups for :SME Development, European Integration, Standardisation and  Quality Management.

•    Certification  Activities: First Assessor of International Association  for Project Management, International Examiner for Quality Management and Auditing according European Organisation for Quality

•    Publishing: Editor of International Journal for Business and Technology, UBT Publishing, UBT News, Proceedings of International Conferences, Book Author, Author of publications  in different  journals and  proceedings.

•    Membership: Chair and Team Member of Peer Review, Technical Committees, International Scientific Committees, Organising Committees for different: International Professional and Scientific Organisation, Journals, Conferences and Symposiums.

•    Awards: Personality of the Year in Kosova, Excellence Award in Teaching – International Engineering Management, Best Student Award, Leadership Excellence Award for Education, Science and Technology, Ambassador for Peace.

Global UBT

GLOBAL UBT is strongly contributing to industry and community, and is also heavily relying on the broad geographical reach and services that GLOBAL UBT provides. As a result it offers a wide range of activities in various fields such as; education, training, research and counseling provided by the organization serves a wide range of clients. Meanwhile, it is worth emphasizing that this diversity includes international organizations in various sectors; a wide range of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) both urban and rural-based; public sector and community and voluntary organizations. GLOBAL UBT also contributed to improving social and economic life by using its international knowledge networks to create opportunities for local enterprises, public bodies and the community and voluntary organizations to participate in international projects, thereby enhancing their knowledge base, networks trading and effectiveness.

We have developed and accredited professional programs and certifications, moreover almost all of our professional programs are accredited and certified by relevant institutions in Kosovo (National Qualifications Authority), but we have also professional services where we provide certification from manufacturers and certification providers such as Cisco, Microsoft, SAP, IPMA, COMPTIA +, ETS, PearsonVue, Certiport, Eon, Quality Austria.

Our professional team is ready to assist you, if you need any further information please contact to the following email:

As far as the process of creating customized training is concerned, we strongly believe in quality rather than quantity. Due to the fact, we are experts in adapting training materials that are specifically designed to improve work performance.

Whether we are creating a new course, or combining the contents of our course library, or whether we are incorporating your specific requirements into your group we train, our experts will create tailor-made, targeted choices to achieve your goals.

UBT’s four-step process for successful training

Applying a proven and comprehensive process, our dedicated training team provides you with everything you need to meet your training goals:

  • Implementation of needs assessment;
  • Creating the appropriate program;
  • Establishment of logistics;
  • Assuring success after training.

We do it all for you!

Aiming, to ensure that your team’s training is perfect and that you don’t have to worry about anything, we will provide you with all the necessary details, including the following components:

  • Instructor travel;
  • Customized content;
  • Comprehensive course materials;
  • Delivery of materials;
  • Installation and removal of equipment.


UBT offers support to the enterprises and community by accommodating a wide spectrum of profiles within our areas of academic and business support expertise.  The service domain involves numerous partnerships with relevant public institutions, international institutions and private enterprises.

Through the supply of graduates, the institution makes a major contribution to the knowledge base and innovation in Kosovo and beyond. The institution offers a range of business support and development programs to foster start-ups in conjunction with industry associations, training for prospective investors, incubation for high potential start-ups and companies with export potential.  The following centers are actively operating and contributing to the business community and society:


1 Center for Tourism and Hospitality
2 Center for Statistics, Data Processing and Forecasting
3 Center for Modelling and Simulation
4 Center for Software Development and Innovation
5 Center for Incubation and Start Ups
6 Center for Arts, Multimedia and Culture
7 Center for Cyber Security and Privacy
8 Center for Professional Development and Life Long Learning
9 Center for Knowledge Management and Library
10 Center of UBT SAP University Alliance
11  Center of UNESCO Social Innovation
12 Center for Technology Transfer, IPR and Innovation


The institution aims to commercialize intellectual property through innovation partnerships and other forms of consultancy which involve undergraduate and graduate students by undertaking project on behalf of centers. GLOBAL UBT Service infrastructure fosters closer links between the institution and the business partners. Centers not only provide support for program implementation and research but also actively serve the community and industry.