UBT proudly launches “UBT Accelerator”

UBT proudly launches “UBT Accelerator”

The first innovative center in the region “UBT Accelerator” was opened in the Innovative Science Park of UBT, which will be at the service of students for the development of creative, innovative ideas and the creation of technological advantages.

In the opening of this center, a workshop was organized with UBT students, attended by the rector of UBT, prof. dr. Edmond Hajrizi, international marketing and entrepreneurship expert from Israel, Tal Catran and the Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Rozeta Hajdari.

A number of issues related to the development of innovation and entrepreneurship were discussed in this workshop, but emphasis was placed on the need for students to be as creative as possible and to develop and advance the ideas they have.

Rector of UBT, prof. dr. Edmond Hajrizi, emphasized the fact that such innovative centers promote cooperation and provide more success to students, so UBT is always encouraging in creating centers like this.

“We see young talents every day, who want to grow, but need the support of mentors, which UBT provides, in order to grow and gain new successes. Over 60% of our students have created new businesses in various fields, and we are very happy about this fact and we are here to support them wherever they need to,” said Rector Hajrizi.

International expert from Israel, Tal Catran, who has extensive experience in marketing, fundraising and executive management, stressed the need for students to be supported towards new goals and achievements.

“Kosovo is probably smaller than China, but it is a country that has strong people and that made it big. I believe that UBT is committing itself every day to push students towards new achievements and successes,” he said.

Minister Rozeta Hajdari guaranteed the Government’s support for initiatives to bring innovation and perspective to innovation and entrepreneurship, considering UBT as a success story that has provided good education.

“Our country is towards new achievements and successes and this is not because of the Government, but because of the changes that are flowing from COVID-19. Different industries are looking to collaborate for collaboration, because they need to change sales agendas and people’s creativity. They are seeing the creative potential of young people here in Kosovo and it is the signal that is guaranteeing us investments.

“But we also need a good education, which we have seen at UBT and it is very necessary to promote it”, emphasized Hajdari.

“UBT Accelerator” will be the first innovative center in the region, which will create the necessary space for UBT students and not only, to develop their creativity and achieve new successes in various fields that put them special emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship.


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